Saturday, 11 July 2009

Status Update 3

I thought I had better post an update. There is a bunch of applications I am compiling / researching / testing at the moment:
  • wxMaxima is re-compiled for the latest version of maxima and undergoing test; should be ready in three days (I do need a day off every now and again!).
  • genius is well and truly on my radar.......still!
  • I have put texmacs on hold for now. Perhaps I will find time to return to it to sort out the performance issues! It ran soooooooooo slooooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyy! It wasn't even funny!
  • r, and octave were temporarily stalled for the lack of a FORTRAN compiler. I now have three plans for updating these! There is apparently a cross-compiler image with a FORTRAN compiler included....and I still have two fallback plans should the cross-compile fail! However, these are compiles likely o be winter projects as they could get a bit involved, so don't hold your breath quite yet!
  • I still have an on-going battle with scigraphica. I am struggling to get the python numarray package compiled. Again, I have now figured out a possible plan of attack, and remain cautiously optimistic that I can get it to work - but this will take time since it requires changing the source code. The problem surrounds the handling of floating point exceptions.
  • grace has been put to one side for now. I ran into huge problems compiling the cephes package. Although I am not optimistic about this, I would like to feel it is possible. The application itself was an easy compile - as ever it is the 'other-bits' that cause the problems!
  • I have not looked at scilab yet, but am aware that it is a big - big job, and if I can get it compiled, it will not be the absolute latest.
  • I have imaxima and auctex for emacs almost ready for posting, along with an update to jan Poland's previously posted teTeX package.
  • xcas appears to be coming along nicely, although I have run into some problems with fltk! Still, I think these are resolvable problems....
That's about it for now....check back soon for some of these updated applications.

maxima 5.18.1

Well, as promised here is the latest stable release of maxima for the Sharp Zaurus (pdaXrom):

I know it s been a while since I promised to upload this, but things have been a little hectic lately (well alright, the weather has been rather nice). I have also included a download link to the latest clsip (2.47), as a more up to date version was required to compile this version of maxima. This compilation of clisp failed 5 of the nearly 10,000 tests (all in the bin-io test suite, and which initially concerned me). However, on tracking back to previous versions, I actually got more errors! So, in the end I used this version to compile maxima, which past its self-test 100% error free. So, I guess the errors in clisp are not significant to maxima. Please ensure you use this version of clisp for this version of maxima, as some new function calls are used which are not supported by the previous versions of clisp for the Zaurus.

As ever. you will need libsigsegv (a download link is included for this at the bottom of this post). Also, it is worth noting that previous versions of wxMaixma will not work with this version of maxima; the way the two applications connect has been changed. Check back in a few days for an updated version of wxMaxima that works with this version of maxima.

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